Shoreline Erosion Photos
What does an eroded shoreline look like? We assume your shoreline is one example, but you may want other examples of eroded shorelines to compare yours to – other shorelines that made their owners say, “Enough.” You’re sick of losing property, and you may worry that the water’s edge is getting too close to your home.
We’ve got plenty of photos for you. We photograph just about every shoreline we see, not only the masterpieces we build. Most of the photos below are of shorelines in their natural state, where a landscaper was not hired. (Often you can tell the eroded natural shorelines from landscapers’ shorelines because the landscapers’ shorelines are even uglier.)
The owners of some of these shorelines later became customers. Others chose to lose more shoreline, pay taxes on property they no longer own, and enjoy their lakefront property less. If you want to see erosion, scroll down to see photos. If you’ve had enough erosion, contact Lakeshore Guys®.
Here’s an example so extreme it made the news. Below is a photo of the property in 2015, before the erosion got serious. Notice where the edge of the land is, relative to the house.
Here’s a photo of the very same property only 4 years later, in 2019.
Ice damage is both a cause of and a result of erosion. A shoreline that can’t resist ice heaving and similar phenomena is more likely to erode, and that eroded shoreline is more susceptible to further ice damage.
It’s one thing for erosion to topple trees that fall into the lake. Having those trees fall toward your house will give you more of a…thrill.
Shoreline erosion isn’t limited to lakes, by the way. It can also happen on river, creek, or stream beds.
If those photos remind you of your shoreline, consider making yours an Armored Shoreline. It’s the roughest, toughest, and best-looking riprap shoreline money can buy – as you’ll see in our photos, reviews, and this case-study. On your way to an erosion-resistant shoreline you can enjoy again, you can expect Lakeshore Guys®’ legendary professionalism.