Videos of Our Riprap Shorelines
A photo is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand photos. Photos of our work are hard to miss on this site – as are photos of the alternatives – but you may not have noticed videos of our shorelines.
Here are two brief time-lapse videos of us restoring a shoreline:
A time-lapse video of a Lakeshore Guys® shoreline resisting ice-heaving over a winter. It’s part of an interview Fox 9 did with us at a customer’s property.
If you want to see only the time-lapse video:
Here’s KARE-11 interviewing us:
Below is a quick walk-through by one of our customers, of her shoreline after a major storm on Lake Superior. (We did a little case-study on this particular shoreline, and have some videos of the shoreline during the storm.)
Here’s another walk-through video, by another customer, that shows how our shorelines stand up to ice damage:
We also build custom features, like staircases and boat ramps. Here is a time-lapse video of us building a boat ramp start to finish:
For more videos, check out Lakeshore Guys®‘ YouTube channel.
To end erosion and get a beautiful shoreline, contact Lakeshore Guys® today.