St. Croix Riverbank Restoration: Stop Erosion & Start Enjoying Your Property
One of the grandest rivers in the Midwest, the St. Croix River separates the two great states of Minnesota and Wisconsin, and it separates you from some of the hustle and bustle of life. Whether you live on Lake St. Croix or upstream or downstream, you find it has the natural energy of a river and the laid-back atmosphere of a lake.
But, like all rivers, the current of the St. Croix causes riverbank erosion over time. (Which is natural, given that that’s how rivers meander over the course of centuries and millenia.) Like on all bodies of water in this cold part of the country, ice worsens the erosion – particularly windblown ice on Lake St. Croix.
The erosion has made your property on the St. Croix less usable and less enjoyable. What was a seat behind home plate now feels like standing room in the nosebleed section.
The good news is that you can stop the erosion and start enjoying your riverbank / shoreline again. Since 1996, Lakeshore Guys® has helped Minnesotans and Wisconsinites live the river. We can help if you’re on the Minnesota side – if your riverbank is in Afton, Bayport, Lake St. Croix Beach, Lakeland, Lakeland Shores, Lindström, Marine on St. Croix, or Osceola Landing. We can help if you’re on the Wisconsin side, with a riverbank in Danbury, Gordon, Houlton, Hudson, and North Hudson .
With our best-in-industry riprap installation and other solutions, we can stop the erosion and build whatever you need to start enjoying the St. Croix. You can contact us to tell us about your situation and to book an on-site consultation, or read on to find out more.
Are you on Lake St. Croix?
Lake St. Croix is not a standalone body of water, but is a widening of the much longer St. Croix River. The lake is roughly 25 miles long, varying from about 1 to 3 miles at its widest point, and forms a natural border between Minnesota and Wisconsin.
It’s about 30 miles from the Twin Cities. As part of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, the lake is accessible year-round, offering opportunities for boating, kayaking, paddleboarding, and fishing. More than 60 species of fish live in the lake, including large and smallmouth bass, walleye, northern pike, sauger, and sturgeon.
Several communities and residential rest on its shores. These include towns like Hudson and Afton, as well as smaller communities, like Lake St. Croix Beach. Some parts of the shoreline are developed with homes and recreational facilities, but other areas remain natural and protected as part of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway.
Problems on the St. Croix
Heavy rainfall and snowmelt can cause high water levels, leading to flooding and erosion.
Erosion not only leads to the loss of land, but also has financial costs. As a property owner, you continue to pay property taxes on land that has eroded away, and it’s illegal to add land back. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever, while you pay Uncle Sam taxes for the privilege of owning real estate that escaped you like Houdini.
The flow of water in Lake St. Croix is influenced by several factors, including seasonal changes, rainfall, and human activities (e.g. boating). These contribute to varying erosion patterns along different areas of the shoreline.
The northern part of Lake St. Croix, where the River widens, experiences strong water currents, especially during spring thaw and heavy rains. These currents can lead to significant shoreline erosion, as the force of the water wears away the soil and destabilizes the banks. Property owners in this area often face challenges with maintaining the integrity of their shoreline and may need to invest in erosion control measures, such as riprap or retaining walls.
The western shoreline can experience erosion caused by water flow and wave action. Boats can create wakes that continuously hit the shore, contributing to gradual erosion. This area can also see increased erosion during periods of high water levels, as the added water volume accelerates the natural erosion process.
The southern part of the lake, where water flow slows down before the river narrows again, may experience less dramatic erosion. Sediments carried by the river tend to settle in this area, potentially creating new landforms, like sandbars, and contribute to the gradual wearing away of existing shorelines. Property owners here might face issues with sediment deposition altering the landscape and necessitating regular maintenance to manage these changes.
The eastern shoreline, bordering Wisconsin, is subject to similar erosion challenges as the western side, with added complexities due to differences in land use and environmental regulations between the two states.
Muskrats, though not an invasive species, still make trouble by burrowing into shorelines, leading to erosion and weakening structures like docks and retaining walls.
We’ve seen just about every riverbank and shoreline problem imaginable. We have tested, proven methods of managing them, so you can enjoy your waterfront property to the fullest.
Constructing a Staircase Down to the River or Lake
Whether you prefer the durability of metal, the ease and efficiency of lumber, or the rough-hewn charm of stone, our custom-designed staircases and steps provide safe and attractive access to your lakeshore. We can build you a staircase out of a wide range of materials, including:
- Lumber
- Prefabricated concrete
- Metal
- Stone (e.g. flagstone)
- Sawn boulders
Once you can get down to the lake more easily, you can start to enjoy it more. Then you may also want a boat ramp, a sand beach, a patio, or other amenities.
Check out photos of some of the waterfront staircases we’ve designed and installed.
Contact Lakeshore Guys® to Give Your Stretch of the St. Croix New Life
If enjoying your part of the St. Croix requires you to halt the erosion and make your shoreline more solid, then you’re in luck. Our DNR-approved practices, shoreline innovations, in-depth explanations of our processes, photos, videos, and best-in-industry reviews, make your next step a clear and easy one. Contact Lakeshore Guys® today for a consultation.